2 min read

Solve the Warehouse Wearables Dilemma

Employee working in a warehouse

Warehouse wearables can help operations increase productivity, efficiency, and accuracy — if technology solutions providers implement them correctly.

Like mobile devices, warehouse wearables can be used to perform various tasks such as scanning barcodes, communicating, and updating inventory – but unlike mobile devices, they keep employees' hands free. This makes lifting cartons, climbing ladders, using equipment, and other tasks safer and more ergonomic, reducing accidents and injury. But to reap the benefits, warehouse operations need to overcome challenges related to implementation. Warehouse operators need technology solution providers' expertise to implement warehouse wearables successfully.

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5 Warehouse Wearables Challenges to Overcome

Approaching the challenges to wearables adoption proactively will lead to better results for your clients and can help you overcome potential objections as you outline a path forward. Some common challenges include:

  1. Which Warehouse Wearables to Choose

With so many technologies to choose from, choosing the proper devices may be a difficult decision for warehouse operators. Options include:

  • Smart glasses and augmented reality (AR) headsets
  • Voice control headsets
  • Wrist or ring scanners
  • Smart watches or other wearable computers

However, not every wearable is suitable for every use case or every workforce. For example, voice control headsets may be ideal for picking in one operation, but AR headsets might be the best choice for another. On the other hand, shipping and receiving may benefit more from wrist or ring scanners that ensure accurate shipments or quickly verify the correct goods in the right quantities at receiving.

Also, advise your clients to consider how employees in each job description work. If they use wearables and additional devices, they can lose rather than gain efficiency.

  1. Connecting to a Reliable Network

Warehouse wearables can boost productivity, but only if a reliable wireless network is there to support continuous function. Unreliable or intermittent connectivity will lead to interruptions and lower productivity. It can also pose safety concerns if wearables intended to keep the lines of communication open with employees fail.

  1. Employee Adoption

The best technology in the world won't do your clients any good if their employees don't use it. Most wearables are intuitive and easy to learn, so the most challenging part for your clients may be getting their employees to accept the change. As a trusted business advisor, work with your clients on effective change management techniques, such as clearly explaining the "why" behind the change, encouraging employees to share their feedback and concerns, and stressing the value that warehouse wearables can provide, such as eliminating juggling devices while they work and eliminating paper-based processes.

  1. Integration with Existing Systems

Many wearables need some development to integrate them with the warehouse management system (WMS) or other applications your clients use. When your clients choose the warehouse wearables they want to pilot for their operations, test before implementation to ensure seamless integration so they can communicate reliably and share data with the people and processes that need it.

  1. Device Security

Connecting more devices to the network can create new vulnerabilities. Wearable devices can be targets of malware, phishing, and other attacks, so prioritizing security is vital. Standard security practices like employee education, regular password, and antivirus software updates are tables stakes. However, technology solutions providers need to vet devices for security features and help clients choose the most secure ones. You can also offer monitoring and security scanning to alert your clients to potentially malicious activity.


Provide the Benefits and Eliminate the Downside

Implementing warehouse wearables can improve productivity, efficiency, and safety. They can also contribute to greater picking, fulfillment, and shipping accuracy, resulting in greater customer satisfaction.

But your clients need your knowledge and guidance to deploy a solution that fits the use case and for employees. Maximize the value these solutions offer by overcoming challenges and implementing them successfully.