Industry Insights

News and views on the latest technology solutions.

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(digital credentials), TSP ( Technology Service Provider ), Technology Service Provider

2 min read

Don’t Overlook Digital Credentials as a Security Revenue Source

These solutions can help enhance your clients’ safety and security while growing your business.

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3 min read

Ransomware’s New Playbook: Targeted Attacks, Increased Accessibility, and the Importance of Backups

Stay informed of the changing threat landscape and provide the solutions and services that your clients need to defend against ransomware attacks.

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2 min read

The Biggest Security Threats to You and Your Customers in 2024

Identify the most serious risks to your business and clients and build an effective defence strategy.

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2 min read

Why Companies Need a Digital Identity Authentication Expert Immediately

Digital identities are just months away from launch, and your clients are looking for information, guidance, and solutions.

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2 min read

5 Tips for Implementing a Modern Access Control Solution

Businesses need your expertise to select a system with the right features and implement it to provide the greatest security.

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3 min read

Ignoring IoT Security and Other Costly Mistakes

Review these 10 missteps that can derail an IoT implementation and how to avoid them. 

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3 min read

Address Weaknesses in SME Security

Small businesses need your expertise to defend against growing cyberattack threats.

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