Industry Insights

News and views on the latest technology solutions.

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econdhand stores, Secondhand market

2 min read

Why Secondhand Stores Are a Goldmine for Technology Solutions Providers

Don’t overlook the opportunity to help businesses in this retail segment digitally transform their operations.

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3 min read

Digital Signage Personalisation and Engagement Can’t Be Beat

TSPs have the opportunity to provide solutions that enhance customer experiences – and deliver quick ROI.

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3 min read

Retail Self-Service Trends for 2024

TSPs have the opportunity to meet demand for solutions that deliver convenience to customers and greater efficiency to merchants.

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2 min read

Consumer Trends Impacting Retail in 2023

Demonstrate your industry expertise by staying current with consumer preferences and the technology that delivers their desired experiences.

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2 min read

Retailers are Looking at Self-Service Solutions. Will You Deliver?

Retailers need your technology and industry expertise to improve their self-service experiences.

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3 min read

Best Practices for Seamless Customer Experiences and Sales in the Digital Age

Retailers need your experience and tech know-how to implement truly effective omnichannel solutions.

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2 min read

Help Merchants Reduce Out-of-Stocks Today

RFID provides new visibility, traceability, and efficiency.

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