Effective Dates: 01-July to 31-Dec
Region: Europe
Qualifying UPTrade Printers:
Any dye sublimation or reverse image (retransfer) card printer from any manufacturer. Final determination of qualifying printers is at the sole discretion of HID®.
The HID partner must complete the UPTrade credit form and submit it with the new printer purchase order. The credit form acts as proof of information about the printer you are destroying (destruction required for program participation).
Additionally, please attach a letter of destruction and photographic evidence of the printer’s destruction. Please note that it is at HID’s sole discretion to request that the partner provide the mainboard and/or printhead of the printer you are destroying for any credit request.
Once the details of the original printer have been verified by HID and the new printer has been shipped, the credit will be applied to your account. We will notify you of the credit number. Please allow up to 3 weeks for credit to be applied to your account upon completion of the verification process.
Terms & Conditions: